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Vaughn Elliot Conica - Online Memorial Website

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Vaughn Conica
Född i United States
18 years
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Oktober 5, 1988
Born in on October 5, 1988.
Mars 12, 2007
Passed away on March 12, 2007.

I am going to try to share the story of Vaughn, but unfortuantley there is so much I do not know.  I met Vaughn when he was about 8 years old.  I rememebr him entering thr room, and just being stunned by his beauty.  Odd expression to desribe a boy, but I cannot charactorize it any other way.  Vaughn had a variety of obsticales in his life, but they only seemed to make him better.  Within his entire family, there was a great deal of alcoholism and the instability it brings.  Everyone everywhere loved him.  His respectful nature, easy going, kind smile, and love for his family, even when they did not deserve it.  For all he lived through, he never was angry or bitter  about his place in life.  As he grew into a teenager, he found some activites that ended him up into some trouble.  To be honest, I did not blame him for wanting to be numb.  When he was 13, he came home from school and found his mother hanging in the basement of thier house.  I lost touch with him for a few years, and about a week before he died, I got to spend some time with him again.  It is weird how someone can be gone from your everyday life so so long, and when they are back, you feel like they never left.  I guess that is what we call love.  I did love him, and I think he knew.  I had so many of my own plans for him!   I thought I would take over being a mom, help him through the good and bad times in his life.  Share in his accomplishments and dissapointments.  I hoped that one day his beautiful little children would call me grandma. I wanted to mkae his hurt go away.  But I could'nt.   Vaughn shot himself in front of two friends while drunk.  I have often wondered if he would have done it if he were not drunk, but in my heart I know, he just could not live in his life anymore.  I hope he is in heaven, with the wings he earned on this earth. 

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